Don't drink and photo shop!
I almost fell off the couch this week while watching The Hour when George Stroumboulopoulos announced the following:
1. He’s taking the show on the road to Vancouver for a week in April.
2. He’s an anti-smoker. [The fact he owns two cats is sexy. But to find out he’s a cat lover AND a cigarette hater? That’s hot!]
I am going to email him to see if he would like to go out for a beer -- in a smoke-free bar with paintings of kittens hanging on the wall -- while he’s in town. It can’t hurt to ask, right?
I just hope he doesn’t see the sloppy 20-second cut-and-paste job above and think I’m nuts. Obviously, I’m not. If I were truly cracked, I’d have put a lot more effort into doctoring the photo. I would have cut my sister (the girl wearing the white hat) out of the picture. And I would have put a big heart around George’s head and a cat in my arms. See? I’m not crazy.
In other news, I’ve got three movies lined up for the weekend:
1. Maria Full of Grace: This is one of my brother’s recommendations. I never ask my brother for recommendations because he has the worst taste in movies ever. He likes movies about aliens and violence and hot chicks. He came across Maria Full of Grace by accident. He had rented I, Robot but found Maria Full of Grace in the case instead. Too lazy to walk back to the video store, he decided to watch it. Surprisingly, he liked it. So much so that he emailed me to rave about it. We’ll see…
2. Super Size Me: I’ve been putting this one off because the thought of watching someone eat nothing but McDonald’s for an entire month makes me nauseous. My sister saw it recently and said she came out of the theatre craving fries. She’s pretty anti-McDonald’s so I figured it was a good sign if her reaction was hunger, not disgust.
3. Crossroads: I love bad teen movies and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
I’ll probably just watch one movie tonight since I have to get up at 5:15 a.m. (argh!!!) tomorrow to catch the 7 a.m. ferry to Victoria. I’m competing in the Victoria Masters swim meet. I’ve never understood why these things start early in the morning instead of in the afternoon. In the meantime, must thing of a clever way to invite Strombo out for a beer.
Hi. Sarah here. Blogger was having some trouble with comments earlier today. Appears to be fixed now (obviously!). So comment away, folks! Any ideas on how to meet up with George while he's in Vancouver????
Me again. Or you can just comment about whatever you want.
Off to watch Super Size Me now. I've got the Tums handy in case it makes me sick.
If you like I could put in a word for you. -K
George would be nuts for passing up such an offer.
If you think two cats helps make a sexy image, I have four. I even gave my boy a bar mitzvah. http://www.geocities.com/alans1234/garsonbm.htm
Tell us how you did at the meet. I think you deserve a medal just for getting up early on a Sat.
George would be nuts for passing up such an offer.
If you think two cats helps make a sexy image, I have four. I even gave my boy a bar mitzvah. http://www.geocities.com/alans1234/garsonbm.htm
Tell us how you did at the meet. I think you deserve a medal just for getting up early on a Sat.
by the way, hil thinks my picture is cute! maybe you should have gotten rid of my picture when you were photoshopping since george might be expecting me to show up for drinks when you guys make plans!
Um...yeah. About that. Slight change of plans. See my most recent blog entry. The guy has a girlfriend!
Oh well. It was a pure fantasy crush anyway. I'm not that delusional.
I should probably Photoshop George out of the picture and Photoshop my cousin back in!
Hey Sarah:
Did you ever watch Maria Full of Grace?
If so, wad'ja think?
It's a fine little movie, but pretty grim in places.
That would be my 10-word review. :)
Hi folks,
Okay, Bill, this movie review is for you!
Maria Full of Grace: Excellent movie! I'd highly recommend it. I will have to rethink my earlier statement about my brother having the worst taste in movies ever.
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I found the movie very stressful. It took me about an hour after watching it for my heart-rate to come back down to normal. And "pretty grim in places" is a good way to describe it.
Super Size Me: Another excellent movie! However, it was kind of wasted on me. Sort of "preaching to the converted" stuff. But I'd be curious to know what the unconverted would think after watching it. It was easy to watch (not too gross) and funny. Without being strident or self-righteous.
Crossroads: Deliciously bad! More holes than swiss cheese. Brittney Spears is a bad actor. But it was good fun.
Why is George purple? Could be from having so much fun with me and my sisters and my cousins???
Have you seen Motorcycle Diaries? Great movie, makes me want to travel to SA on a motorbike and become a revolutionary. City of God is also excellent (kinda old).
how do you know george has a girlfriend?
1. Haven't seen Motorcycle Diaries. Heard it was good. Will get around to renting it.
2. The Globe and Mail reports that George has a girlfriend in an article about him last weekend.
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