I have a serious girl crush on Claire Martin. She is the best thing to happen to the CBC since George Stroumboulopoulos.
Claire Martin is a meteorologist. But she’s no weather girl. She’s smart and goofy and cool. She’s a total weather geek and it shows.
She hardly wears any makeup. Her hair is kind of flat. Her clothes are plain and frumpy. The woman has worn baseball caps and baggy sweatshirts while presenting the weather. Last week, she wore socks emblazoned with the Edmonton Oilers logo (she lifted up her pant leg to show us). Her “I don’t care if I look scummy on national television” attitude is a big part of her charm.
The woman oozes personality. She makes the weather fun to watch. She is genuinely enthusiastic when she talks about Arctic cold fronts and high-pressure ridges. And she always does it with a huge smile.
It turns out I’m not the only one who likes Claire Martin. A quick Google search turned up dozens of rave reviews and accolades. She has won international awards (she was named “Best Weather Presenter in the World” three times). Even more impressive is the fact that she sang on Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” when she was a kid growing up in England.
Like I said, I have a serious crush on Claire Martin. In a totally non-sexual kind of way, of course. She’s the kind of girl I’d like to spend an afternoon with, kicking back, drinking wine out of a box and talking about the weather.
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