In Bruges. Really. Walking down narrow cobblestone streets. Drinking Belgian beer. Trying to figure out if this fairytale town is heaven, hell or something in between.
When I first saw In Bruges, I thought . . . where the hell is Bruges? Now I know. It's a city in northwest Belgium. I also now know that the city as it looks in the movie is exactly how it looks in real life -- like a perfect 15th-century film set. And, unlike Colin Farrell's character, who characterizes hell as an eternity spent in Bruges, I found the place quite charming.

Any chance you're off to Amsterdam next? I'll be there Tuesday...
Nice! No, actually, I'll be working all week. Laying low until my trip to Toronto in two weeks.
Loved the movie! Love this city! Lucky you!
I loved that movie too - The extras reel is hilarious :-D Good to see Colin Farrel not having to hide his accent. I thought the place would be awesome too - charming indeed!
It really is just as it was in the movie! Total fairytale town.
great story and a truly amazing city indeed. You're more than welcome to visit Balkan countries (you have a friends here :)
Hi Alex. Yes, the Balkans are definitely on the list of places I want to go!
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