This Polaroid was taken at the end of a very long day, which probably explains why George looks tired and I look crazy.
It’s been fun riding the Stroumboulopoulos rollercoaster over the past few weeks. But it’s time to get off. You know you’ve written one too many posts about the guy when you no longer have to google his last name to spell it correctly!
Sarah, I don't think you'll get off that easily. You are after all heading to TO in May so I'm sure I'm not the only one that will look forward to a Sarah/George update when you get to see him then. (You are going to call him right!!!) Girlfriend or not I like the way he makes you smile... and in turn me smile reading about it.
You guys are perfect for each other.
Perhaps after a weekend of careful consideration and contemplation, Sarah has made the determination that not even George "Droopy Pants" can live up to the unattainable standards that she demands of potential prospects!
Ah, but perhaps I am just bitter knowing that when it comes to Ms. Marchildon, I remain but one name on a list of admirers that numbers in the thousands!
Martin Streek
Um...lets not get carried away here people! Thousands of admirers? Not quite. Maybe one or two, but those are my parents and they have to like me :)
As for phoning George when I'm in Toronto next month, I probably won't. What's the point? I'd feel kind of weird calling him. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted!
ok hold on here! is that martin streek of toronto radio fame reading your blog? seriously, what's the deal?????? ask claire, she'll tell you who martin streek is. if it is him, that's so cool that he read your blog sarah!!!! martin if you're reading this can you confirm your true identity?
K of PSTC has it right.
George looks laid-back and you look happy.
As for not calling him when you're in Toronto, that's just wrong. He did invite you to hang out at the show. And probably get a snack or dinner afterwards. The boy has to eat.
Since he visited you in Vancouver you have to visit him in TO. It's only fair. Common courtesy demands it. After all, without courtesy and etiquette we would have anarchy. You don't want anarchy, do you? So it's decided. You'll accept the invitation for the good of civilization.
Once you get some quality one on one time together without the distraction of George's legions of teenaged (and not teenaged) fans, you'll discover that he's just a normal guy.
It's only weird because you've built it up that way in your mind. Take him up on his gracious invitation, have a good time and stop making yourself feel weird about something that's completely normal.
Okay, okay! I'll call...geez!
By the way, I am feeling really sheepish that I don't know who Martin Streek is. I feel like I should know the name but I don't. So I did a google search, which turned up a Martin Streek who works for cfny but I haven't listened to cfny since I was in high school so I don't feel too bad for not knowing the name :)
Anyway, if it is the same Martin Streek, glad you enjoy the blog!
Sarah, get a grip! How old are you?
"I'm old enough to know better, but I'm still too young to care."
Sarah :)
CFNY and CFOX are sister stations. A loose comparison would be Martin Streek here is like Danger there.
The Larry and Willy show was similiar to Humble and Fred, they both have punk-o-rama and Alan Cross's ongoing history of new music as well as similiar contests like the 'even tougher' one. One of the newer hosts there was known as 'the brother' here. The DJ's here gave him a bit of a parting shot because as soon as he went on air there he turned into a canucks fan after being a leaf's fan here.
Yes, don't leave us hanging... follow up is everything. If you don't, you know you'll come back to BC with regrets!
Good luck and yes you are right, old enough to know better but still too young to care.. toucher !
Many of these messages are kind of disturbing.
Since when is it acceptable to go after a guy when he has a girlfriend?
It is so disrespectful to not only not give her a second thought, but refer to her as being an obstacle one could easily overcome.
Sarah, I haven't been reading your blog long enough to clearly know what kind of character you have. But I would hope you're evolved enough to have respect for another woman and not make a play for a guy simply because he was briefly cordial and because you, as others have wrote, "want" him.
baa...it's just some harmless star worshipping, lighten up.
Okay, I wasn't going to say anything but some of these comments are way over the top and I was trying to distance myself from them. I thought it best to just let it ride and not say anything but....
1. I have said time and time again that George has a girlfriend and that he was just being nice and professional when we met!
2. I am not "going after" George and I'm not particularly fond of the weird comments that suggest he "loves me" and other weird crap. The comments are not funny.
3. I do not "want" George. This is what other people -- most of them complete strangers -- have written.
4. Please do not take what I write in my posts so seriously. I'm mostly making fun of myself and trying to inject a little humour.
Sarah :)
Sarah, the update/warning you added to your post was intriguing.
I think most of us get the humour and try to play along. Go hang out with George as he suggested, have a good time and forget about the expectations and motivations that some seem to have ascribed to you.
Just because he thinks you're interesting enough to hang out with doesn't mean he's interested in you.
Hey K, Carrie,
Thanks! I know most of you out there "get" my humour. I'm trying to be diplomatic with the one or two strangers who have been posting inappropriate comments. But I don't have the patience or time to be nice for long.
Hey anonymous,
If you don't like Sarah's humour you're more than welcome to stop reading and stop posting your puerile attacks here. You clearly don't know her, or if you do, you crashed and burned. Hell hath no fury like a loser scorned. (Apologies to William Congreve.)
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